A Lot Like You

A Film by Eliaichi Kimaro

Tag Archives: Story

Film Review | A Lot Like You

January 31, 2013

By Caroline Teng (Original article posted at Schema Magazine) A Lot Like You follows the journey of filmmaker Eliaichi Kimaro to the Chagga tribe in Mount Kilimanjaro to explore her paternal roots. Kimaro is an American-born Korean-Tanzanian domestic violence counselor, who despite her rich heritage considers herself very much American. Growing […]

Join the Conversation!

January 22, 2013

We want to hear from you!  What stories, ideas, feelings did our story evoke?  What did you leave our film talking about? 1) Click on image below to download:  2) Jot down your thoughts.   3) Take a photo and email it to info(at)alotlikeyoumovie.com.   [See what others are saying […]

A word from our Producer/Editor/Writer

November 30, 2012

Being a part of this amazing project for 7 years now, there are many topics that have made an impact on me.  But the strongest is a heightened appreciation for the power of sharing one’s story. I had the extreme good fortune of watching this process in action during the […]

Stories: My Own and Why I Tell Them – from Guest Blogger Kausar Mohammed

July 17, 2012

Stories mean a lot to me.  I was the kid with thick glasses in kindergarten because I kept reading Harry Potter books under the covers, even after my mom turned the lights off.  I enjoyed hearing improvised tales from my grandma about princesses, who fought ghosts and angry fathers.  Then […]

Eliaichi Kimaro: on Cultural identity

April 17, 2012

a conversation with Warren Etheredge on The High Bar It’s been a longtime dream of mine to sit down with Warren to reflect on the evolution of our film from Worlds Apart to A Lot Like You.  So on the day of our interview, it took me a moment to shake the surreal-ness of […]

Feature in today’s CIFF daily blog

March 28, 2012

March 28th, 2012 @ 6:51am Filmmaker Eli Kimaro explores her roots Eli Kimaro is a first-generation American, with a Chagga father, from Tanzania, and Korean mother. In 2003, shortly after she was married, she panicked. When she thought about the children she and her husband might have and realized that […]

Thoughts from Juror Momo Chang

March 22, 2012

Momo Chang is an award-winning writer/freelance journalist based in Oakland, California. She is a features editor for Hyphen, a national Asian American magazine focusing on arts, politics and culture.  And she was one of this year’s SFIAAFF Doc Competition Jurors.  Momo shares her reflections on her jury experience on her […]

While in Cleveland…

March 19, 2012

Cleveland International Film Festival (CIFF) is doing their part to keep me busy while I’m in town.  And for these many opportunties to engage directly our audience, fellow filmmakers, and community members, I am so grateful!! So…here is a quick rundown of events: A Lot Like You‘s CIFF screenings will be sponsored […]

Confessions of a SFIAAFF Juror

March 17, 2012

SFIAAFF Doc Competition Juror, Brian Hu, offers a behind-the-scenes look at what it means to serve on a festival jury.   As someone who’s hoping to be summoned for Jury Duty one day, I appreciate this glimpse into the inner-workings of their decision making process, and his reflections on some of […]

People Everywhere are “A Lot Like You”

March 14, 2012

I had the great pleasure of watching an engaging documentary, ‘A Lot Like You’, over the weekend at the San Francisco Asian American Film Festival. The aspect of the film that resonated most with me personally was the way it approached cultural identity. It touched on so many important cross-cultural […]

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